How To Stay Focused - Secret To Getting Things Done

Ahamed Aqeel
2 min readAug 20, 2021
Image from FreePik

I’m sure you’ve noticed that it is so easy to get distracted these days. We have endless distractions: notifications, social media, and other apps are all vying for our attention. This can make it hard to stay focused on the task at hand. In today’s blog post, we’ll be going over some tips that will help ensure your success in staying focused

The Importance of Staying Focused

Staying focused is so important, and it’s a skill that can be learned. It will increase your productivity, make you feel more accomplished at the end of each day, and give some peace-of-mind about what needs to get done today. This all makes staying focused worth working on!

Why it’s hard to stay focused

One of the reasons it’s so hard to stay focused is because we live in a fast-paced, digital age. Distractions are everywhere: notifications for social media updates, new emails coming through and phone alerts all vie for our precious attention. However, with some discipline and focus, you’ll be able to regain your productivity!

Here are some helpful tips for staying focused.

  • First thing’s first don’t multitask! Research has shown this leads to less productivity and poorer quality work than when people focus on one task at a time
  • Create a list of your tasks for the day, and make sure you’re prioritized. This will help to ensure that what needs to get done first so you don’t end up wasting time on less important things.
  • If it’s difficult to find focus in one place, try changing it! For instance, if working from home makes it hard to stay focused because of all the distractions around (kids yelling/playing outside), then go work at a coffee shop or library instead. It’ll be easier for you to concentrate there without any interruptions coming from the kids running around as well!
  • Try not using social media or other apps while completing an assignment; it can really hurt productivity when these are pulled up and you end up checking Instagram instead of completing the work that needs to be done.
  • Another suggestion for staying on task is to set a timer when working on something, so it’s easier to stay focused until the time has elapsed or stop altogether as soon as the buzzer goes off!
  • How about giving yourself rewards? Doing your favorite activity after finishing an assignment can help motivate you in doing what needs to get finished!


Your ability to stay focused is an asset. Try implementing the above tips and you’ll be able to get more done in less time, with fewer distractions! Let’s do this together! ­Good Luck!

