The Ultimate Guide to Time Management — How To Manage Your Time Effectively

Ahamed Aqeel
3 min readAug 21, 2021
Image from FreePik

The human brain is a strange and wonderful thing. It’s capable of performing amazing feats, but it can also feel overworked and overwhelmed when we’re constantly bombarded with distractions. Fortunately, there are plenty of time management techniques that can help us reclaim our sanity and get things done more efficiently — even if we only manage to find a few spare minutes each day for working on our goals. Here are some of the best tips out there for getting more done in less time!

Let’s Start with the Basics

A lot of people who struggle with time management are confused by what time management even means. Well, we’ll be going into a little bit of detail about time management, so take a quick moment to get familiar with the terms before we start. “Time management” means “running your time efficiently”. “Time management” means “keeping track of your time, how much time you are spending working on different tasks and deciding when you’re going to do them next”. But let’s face it, time management isn’t easy! If it was easy, everyone would do it!

Tackle your biggest tasks first

Many people mistakenly start with the easiest tasks they can find. If we’re not careful, that means it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and never give ourselves time for more difficult projects. Instead of jumping from one task to another without ever finishing anything important, you should try scheduling your day so that you tackle your biggest project first — even if it takes extra time or effort to do so. This will make sure you feel accomplished right off the bat and have less stress as you work through everything else on your list!

Use a timer for short bursts of work

Scheduling short bursts of work can help us avoid losing our minds when we’re constantly interrupted. If you have a short amount of time in the morning or after work each day, try a timer for specific tasks. Instead of getting lost in Facebook, Amazon, and Netflix browsing, work on something on your to-do list for a few minutes. You’ll be more productive because you’ll be working on something that actually needs to get done, not goofing around with the internet. You can also use a timer to set aside a certain number of minutes for leisure activities like reading, relaxing, or watching TV.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique developed in the early 1990s, and it’s still one of the most well-known and effective ways of keeping your head above water while you get your priorities in order.

You set a timer for 25 minutes and have to work on a task, followed by five minutes of complete rest. At the end of the 25 minutes, you immediately start again, without letting your time lapse from one minute to the next. This will keep you from getting distracted and make sure you complete a whole task for the day in that timeframe.

Give yourself some quiet time

If there’s one thing that helps recharge your battery, it’s an hour or two to yourself. You can find this time in the afternoon, on Sunday evenings or weekends. Make sure you give yourself enough time to relax and recharge, without feeling guilty about wasting time. Even if you don’t feel like working on that big project at the time, it’s much easier to face it when you’ve had some time to reflect on your progress.


We hope that the strategies in this blog post are helpful to you, and you were able to use them to make the best use of your time. Remember to never give up on learning new skills and strategies so you can improve your productivity! Remember, you are the only one that can control your time, so you have to learn to manage your time well!

